Funerals & Memorial services


There are 4 churches in the Parish of Wimbledon, funerals and memorial services can be arranged at any of the churches via the Parish Office

We do recommend that you speak to us prior to making any arrangements with funeral directors so that we can support you with the arrangements.

  • Speak to friends and family prior to booking the service and have 2/3 date options to work with. There are a number of elements to coordinate and a little flexibility is needed. The key 3 elements that usually need to be coordinated are:

    • clergy/ church availability

    • funeral director availability

    • crematorium availability

  • The clergy/ minister will help you to plan the service and guide you through what is possible. We do recommend that you have a chat with family & friends about what you might like prior to meeting the clergy/ minister.

    Depending on the church that you choose, a number of extra elements may be available to consider such as choir, professional singers, parking, streaming/ recording and flowers; these each have costs associated with them.

    A note on flowers at St Mary’s- the funeral directors will arrange any flowers with the cortege and the church flowers are arranged directly with the church flower team. The flowers requested may not be removed from the church following the service. Christian festival of Christmas, Easter and Harvest (early October) are observed and the church will already have extensive floral decorations in place which cannot be altered.

  • This is dependent on the church that you select but the clergy and music team can assist you with selections.

    Please note that should you wish to record the service, profesional musicians ie: organist and professional singers will require their fee to be doubled. This does not include the church choir, their fees are remain the same.

  • The Parish Office will usually invoice your choice of funeral directors and then you will pay the funeral directors for all items.

    Statutory & Parish Fees

    The core fees for funerals are set by the Diocese as a Life Event and these are called statutory fees. The statutory fees are split into 2 categories, the portion that is paid by the Parish to the Diocese and the portion that goes to the Parish. Please note that the church itself does not directly receive any of the statutory fees.

    PCC Fees – Parish Fees

    The Parish of Wimbledon sets fees annually for the additional items available in the church for funerals; these are not set by the church. Usually clergy travel expenses, heating, the organist and verger are items that are not optional at St Mary’s.

    • Select 2/3 potential dates/ times for the funeral

    • Contact Parish Office

    • Contact Funeral Directors

    • Agree the date and time for the funeral

    • Contact a venue for post service refreshments if needed

    • Notify family & friends of date & time of service

    • Meeting with clergy to discuss service

    • Select music & any extra musicians

    • Orders of service, flowers

    • Parking & Transport

  • St Mary’s & St Matthew’s offer the opportunity for a short Burial of Ashes service and a plaque on the wall of remembrance when the church has held the funeral. This may or may not be on the same day as the funeral depending on the choices made by the family. Please refer the church websites.

  • This is dependent upon the church that you are using and their availability.

    Other venues in the area:

    Dog & Fox, Wimbledon Village

    The Rushmere, Ridgway, Wimbledon Village

    Hotel du Vin, Wimbledon Common

    Rose & Crown, Wimbledon Village

    Hand in Hand, Wimbledon Common