Journey to the Crib
Our hugely popular promenade service which follows the Journey to the Crib around the church and grounds. Booking is essential although tickets are free. Suitable for all of the family.

St Mary's Toy Service
Each year we ask our congregation to bring new toys to be donated to Christian Care Merton. The toys are distributed to children known by Christian Care who will not otherwise receive any gifts. Please bring the toys to church on the day, we do not accept donations on any other day, please contact Christian Care directly at other times of the year.

Team Confirmation
Confirmation is a special church service in which a person confirms the promises that were made when they were baptised. If you were baptized at a christening when you were a child, your parents and godparents made these promises on your behalf. As a young person or adult, you may be ready to affirm these promises for yourself and commit your life to following Jesus Christ.
We hold our confirmation services as a Parish and use each church in turn each year. For adult confirmation please speak to The Rector and for younger people please speak to Catherine Linsley

Spotlight on Social Justice
Coming shortly after the end of interfaith week, this is an interfaith event focussing on questions of faith and sexuality, featuring guest speakers Rabbi Adrian Schell (Wimbledon Synagogue) and Rev Dr Charlie Bell (St John the Divine Kennington). Don't miss out on this opportunity to hear from two stellar speakers in this field, and to learn about how you can make a difference so that all people - regardless of sexuality or gender identity - can feel welcomed in communities of faith.7-8pm, followed by wine and nibbles. Tickets available here https://faithsexuality.eventbrite.co.uk

St Matthew's Church Fair
Stalls available to wider community & local businesses EMAIL before 28 September hall.stmatthews@gmail.com

Soulscape- First Thursday of Every Month
St Matthew’s Church, Raynes Park
Though meditative music, silence, and simple prayers, Soulscape Wimbledon evenings allow you to navigate your spiritual journey at your own pace. Here you will find time to think and reflect, the space to feel whatever comes up for you, and a supportive environment just to be yourself before God. 8pm, music from 7.30pm

Soulscape- First Thursday of Every Month
St Matthew’s Church, Raynes Park
Though meditative music, silence, and simple prayers, Soulscape Wimbledon evenings allow you to navigate your spiritual journey at your own pace. Here you will find time to think and reflect, the space to feel whatever comes up for you, and a supportive environment just to be yourself before God. 8pm, music from 7.30pm

Come & Sing Psalms at St Mary's
St Mary’s, Wimbledon Village
A follow up to our Come & Sing Evensong event, all welcome. Arrive at 5.30pm for an hour rehearsal followed by Evensong at 6.30pm and then drinks in Garden Hall.

Soulscape- First Thursday of Every Month
St Matthew’s Church, Raynes Park
Though meditative music, silence, and simple prayers, Soulscape Wimbledon evenings allow you to navigate your spiritual journey at your own pace. Here you will find time to think and reflect, the space to feel whatever comes up for you, and a supportive environment just to be yourself before God. 8pm, music from 7.30pm

Blessing of the Backpacks
Celebrating the new term, bring your backpacks & work bags to be blessed at St Mary’s at our all age 11.15am service on Sunday 3 September.

St Mary's Patronal Festival, BBQ & Rounders
The Field, St Mary’s, Wimbledon Village
Join us to celebrate our Patronal Party, please sign up below on Eventbrite for free bbq tickets, bring your own drinks and something to sit on.

Soulscape- First Thursday of Every Month
St Matthew’s Church, Raynes Park
Though meditative music, silence, and simple prayers, Soulscape Wimbledon evenings allow you to navigate your spiritual journey at your own pace. Here you will find time to think and reflect, the space to feel whatever comes up for you, and a supportive environment just to be yourself before God. 8pm, music from 7.30pm

London Pride March
St Matthew's Wimbledon is taking a group to march with Pride in London this year - our first ever Pride as a church! We are marching with Pride to express our solidarity with LGBTQ+ people, to express our belief in diversity in the Church, and to protest against ongoing inequality in the Church of England.
If you would like to join us on the march, please register your interest in the form below. Please register each person you would like to bring (we can bring up to 50).
Marching with Pride is an exciting way to express our identity and diversity, but it can be quite an intense experience. There is quite a lot of waiting around, there is loud music, and we will be marching for around an hour through central London. Pride is suitable for children, but everyone under 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
St Matthew's is a proud member of Inclusive Church. We believe in inclusive church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.
We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.

Come & Sing Evensong at St Mary's
Sunday 18 June 4pm rehearsal, 6.30pm Evensong, all ages welcome, no musical ability needed.
Click here to book (it’s free!)

The Old Testament Live
Rev’d Derrick Thompson will take us on a journey through the Old Testament in one day at St John’s, Spencer Hill. Tickets £14 stjohnswimbledon.co.uk. Join us as he leads us from Genesis through to Moses and Promised Land, to the Kingdoms of Saul, David and Solomon, and onwards to the Exile and the coming of the Prophets.

Easter Day
On Easter Sunday, churches across England will celebrate because Jesus died for our sins and then rose again.
On the third day after being crucified, Jesus' tomb was found to be empty. He had risen from the dead. Life triumphs over death! The joy of resurrection is possible only because Christ endured death and conquered it.

Good Friday
Good Friday is the day when Christians remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is a sombre day. Usually, churches meet, pray and reflect on the sacrifice Jesus willingly paid for all our sins.

Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday is the day when we remember Jesus sharing the Last Supper with his disciples before his death.
Maundy Thursday gets its name from the Latin word mandare meaning to command. We remember Jesus' command: 'Love one another as I have loved you'.
At the Last Supper Jesus washed the disciples' feet. Some churches recreate this act of service at special services and events. This is not only an important reminder of the nature of Jesus, who we serve, but also the kind of service we are meant to demonstrate in our love for one another.
8pm Preached Eucharist & Food Washing

Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday Jesus arrived in Jerusalem to crowds and cheers. His triumphant entry into Jerusalem has been celebrated on the Sunday before Easter since the first centuries of Christianity.
The crowds waved palm branches and covered his path with them. Churches remember this with crosses made from palm leaves and hold processions like the one that Jesus experienced - sometimes with a donkey, too!

Mothering Sunday
Each year on the fourth Sunday of Lent, countries around the world celebrate Mothering Sunday. This typically involves lavishing Mums with gifts and attention and celebrating the women who have nurtured us throughout our lives.
This Sunday, churches around the country will be sharing their own traditions, celebrating and giving thanks to the huge impact mothers have on each of our lives. The main service on Mothering Sunday in churches across the country is central to the life of the church.

Ash Wednesday- Eucharist
Ash Wednesday and the observance of Lent as we know it came into existence somewhere between the fifth and eighth centuries. Forty is the number of days our Lord fasted in the wilderness, like the forty-day fasts of Moses and Elijah which are recorded in the Old Testament. Thus Ash Wednesday is now forty-six days before Easter (forty weekdays). The tradition of fasting during Lent mirrors that of our Lord. In the Book of Common Prayer, Ash Wednesday is described as a ‘Greater Fast’, one of two, with Good Friday being the other. The ashes used on Ash Wednesday are obtained by burning the palms of the previous year (now the palm crosses).
Lent is a season when we pray for God’s compassion, and we should also show compassion to others. In modern times we are equally encouraged to ‘take something on’ as ‘give something up’.

Environment Sunday- Kids Art Show
A goal of our Mission Action Plan this year is to become more environmentally friendly and this Sunday we welcome everyone to come and join in and think about what we can do as a church.

Candlemas with Christingles
Christingle celebrations are named after the Christingles that are lit during the ceremony. Christingles are oranges wrapped in red tape, decorated with dried fruit or sweets, with a candle on the top.